Employees are familiar with reading that a new project will be launched that is crucial for the future success of the company. If this information comes with numbers, facts and at best with a statement from the project lead, nothing will be remembered after a short while. Content for internal communications has to be employee-centered: How is the colleague doing who is working on the project? What changes will the project requires with regards to the tasks and processes of the employees? You can turn your employees into ambassadors for your organization if you inform and involve them.
You can request me to design a concept for internal communications that matches your organizational needs – be it the implementation of internal comms in your organization or the adjustment of existing content and structures.
I support you with
- a target group matching selection of media
- the creation of employee-centered content and the alignment of content with regards to your organizational purpose
- the design of editorial processes and roles
- the training of your editorial staff with regard to „Employee-centered Content“
- the design and facilitation of your events and workshops
- the composition of target group matching and comprehensive texts
Effective internal communications are not necessarily expensive or require a huge amount of resources: You just have to find the content and media your employees can relate to and find exciting. Sometimes only slight adjustments of the relevant parameters are needed to achieve much better results.
The editorial content can be complemented with employee-generated content – if it fits into your organizational culture. If using an Employee or Workforce App this is often the case but not the best decision for every organization. You need internal comms that fit your organizational purpose. Media that work well in MNCs can just as well fit for SMEs – but this is not a given. Processes and resources should be appropriate as well.
See below an example for a target group matching selection of media with an emphasis on face-to-face comms as the content had high personal relevance for each employee: